What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)?
This is a grappling based martial art (no strikes) that emphasizes dominant positions and submissions to secure and subdue our opponents/attackers. This art utilized in many organizations like the UFC, Military, and Law Enforcement to name a few. Being able to subdue and control others without ever throwing a strike is not only possible but quite commonly achieved. If this sounds interesting to you or your child, check out our free trial class to try this in person. We’d love to have you give this a try!

What should I bring to my free trial class?
Although we require a gi for training in our gi classes, for trials no such investment is needed. If you have one already, please wear that, if not, we don’t like asking our trials to purchase gis without having tried our classes. Instead, slim fitting clothing like shorts and a t-shirt/rash guard is recommended. For safety, please no exposed buttons or zippers or open pockets

How do I sign up as a member?
We handle all signups through our website. Click the “Academy & Memberships” page and click the Membership button to sign up via our portal

Are there any uniform requirements?
Similar to above, the gi class does require a jiu jitsu gi while our nogi class requires shorts and a top that are slim fitting and safe. For example, no exposed pockets or exposed zippers/buttons

What classes are recommended for beginners?
Although students can participate in all the Jiu Jitsu classes from the beginning, our “Foundations” class is specifically designed for beginners in mind

Where can I purchase a gi/uniform?
We do not have formal uniform policies, as long as you have a jiu jitsu gi in good condition, we’re happy. Best deals on gis has be to Amazon. Can’t beat those prices!

Do I need to reserve a class?
Please ignore the reserve feature for now. We have not found a need to use that feature but may be activated at a later date if necessary

Do you provide private lessons?
We do, we recommend training with our various coaches and then reaching out to them directly for availablity and pricing. Based on availability, skill level, and experience, costs may differ from coach to coach

Do the students/instructors regularly compete?
Yes! We highly encourage competing and have had made competition and competition style classes a fundamental focus for our school. But even though we encourage competing and see many benefits from it, we don’t require it. But the students who don’t compete will still benefit from our focus on competition and participation in them

What are cross training opportunities?
We are part of a larger association called JG Academy. This association has many schools in the Bay Area and beyond. As a Baem student, you will gain access to all teh JG schools at no cost. Great to cross training and visiting other schools within the safety of known peers. Please reach out to us or speak with a coach to learn more

How do I cancel my membership?
All cancellations require a 30-day notice via a call, text, or email. Please make sure to reach out to us to cancel or to pause memberships. Note that all memberships will be enrolled in auto-renewals but you can cancel or pause anytime. Just reach out and we’ll take care of you

Contact Us

For general inquiries feel free to reach out to us below. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. To try a free class, sign-up, drop-ins, or privates head over to the Schedule page

*Note that membership options/pricing (top black banner) and schedule (schedule tab) is listed on the website


Contact Info

Baem Jiu Jitsu - Fremont
47900 Warm Springs Blvd
Fremont, Ca 94539

E: denney@baemjiujitsu.com
IG: @baemjiujitsu